Buddha statues



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  • Om Mani Shakyamuni Buddha Statue
    Om Mani Shakyamuni Buddha Statue

    This is a handmade resin Shakyamuni Buddha.

    € 12,50
  • Green Tara Statue
    Green Tara Statue

    This is a beautifully handcrafted statue of Green Tara, made from resin.

    € 22,00
  • Hand painted blue baby Ganesha
    Hand painted blue baby Ganesha

    Ganesha is one of the most popular protective gods worshiped by Hindus and Buddhists in Nepal and India.

    € 7,00
  • Hand painted baby Ganesha figurine
    Hand painted baby Ganesha figurine

    This is a 6 cm high figurine of baby Ganesha made of resin. The figurine is completely hand painted. Having this Ganesha figurine near you creates a peaceful environment.

    € 7,00
  • Blue Medicine Buddha Statue
    Blue Medicine Buddha Statue

    The Medicine Buddha is an important figure in Buddhism and he is considered one of the Compassionate Buddhas and is often invoked to heal illness and suffering.

    € 22,00
  • Hand painted baby Ganesha figurine with red patina
    Hand painted baby Ganesha figurine with red patina

    This is a 6 cm high figurine of baby Ganesha made of resin. The figurine is completely hand painted. Having this Ganesha figurine near you creates a peaceful environment.

    € 7,00
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